Tuesday, October 19, 2010

20102010 Bad day i ever had.....

Finally the dooms day for me arrive.
i feel like lost everything is just few second.
We were good and sweet in few week time.
I was planning to get you here and travel.
I was planning to take you as my future.
I was planning to go home.....plan for all the plan that we can do.
Call me plz....the text received.
she told me to light up a cigarette.
Here the pain come !!!

My heart is slide....
extremely pain....
I punch on the wall.
hand was breeding..and i feel nothing.
I get a bottle of Mojito and drink it all.
I decide to went back on my bed and sleep.
Once i close my eyes....bitter sweet memories comes out.
I cry for hour until i get really tire and fall asleep.
I wake up after few hour. tear dropping everyday !

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